Key Founding Dates of
October 21, 1983 – DBA for Singles Outreach Support filed by Gregg
November 11, 1983 – Invitation
to a “structured sharing group” to members of Marcia Gordon’s Knowledge Network
class on Singles.
April 1984 – Four Monday
discussions for the Warm Fuzzy
Singles: “Meeting New People in a Supportive Setting,” Dimensions of
Intimacy,” Mystery of Attraction” and “Autonomy &
September 27, 1984 – New
Direction Sharing Group a project of Singles Outreach Support offered at
Sleasman’s Restaurant.
October 1984 – First calendar of
activities for Singles Outreach Support – four Monday discussions, four
Wednesday support groups (at the home of Diane Watts), four Thursday special
guest presentations and one pot-luck picnic at the Colonie Town
Singles Outreach ends the year
(1984) with a mailing list of 130 people.
January 1985 – Singles Outreach
produces a full calendar of activities, with the help of Mary Ellen Fullum &
many others, including the first SOS dance on January 26th at the
Western Turnpike Country Club (300 people attended).
February 2, 1985 – Front Page of
Times Union -- “Turf Feud Splints Singles Scene: Warm Fuzzies, SOS court
Capitaland’s unattached” by Stephen Frank
May 1985 – Singles Outreach
mailing list approaches 2,000. The newsletter announces a membership fee of $10
to continue to receive the newsletter.
May 1985 – SOS Newsletter
announces an initial membership of 300 with efforts underway for the formation
of a non-profit organization guided by Larry Klepper, Esq., Lois Haignere, Randy
Fasnacht and Gregg Millett.
October 1985 – SOS Newsletter
announces a membership of 736 in the newly incorporated non-profit organization
and Lois Haignere, SOS president, welcomes members and announces the other
founding members of the Board of Directors – Lowell Bauer, Randy Fasnacht, Sue
Ferro, Larry Klepper and Joan Roe with Gregg Millett as the Executive
1985 – SOS Newsletter announces the 1,000th member.
From the SOS Newsletter, October 1985
by Lois Haignere, First SOS President
You are part of an exciting happening for single people in the tri-city area. Until recently Singles Outreach Support (SOS), was a series of activities for singles spearheaded by the energies and commitment of Gregg Millett. Now we are an incorporated, non-profit organization run by a seven member Board of Directors with a membership already numbering over 700.
I have the honor of being Board President of SOS and as such I want to welcome all of you and briefly report on the activities of the Board to Date.
First, let me introduce you to the talented, energetic members of the Board. Briefly, they are Lowell Bauer (engineer with General Electric); Randy Fasnacht (treasurer of SOS, systems analyst with the State Department of Mental Health); Sue Ferro (C.CR.N. with St. Peters Hospital); Larry Klepper (vice-president of SOS, attorney, management consultant, teacher); Gregg Millett, Ph.D. (secretary and executive director of SOS, teacher and counselor); Joan Roe (health administrator with the State Department of Health).
The commitment of these people to creating an organization which will meet the many and diverse needs of all SOS members is truly inspiring. I am proud to have the opportunity to work with such a dedicated group.
Since June your SOS board has been meeting weekly to accomplish the following:
- Draft and approve incorporator’s agreement and bylaws.
- Ratify an agreement to employ Gregg Millett as Executive Director.
- Elect officers and create budget reporting process.
- Improve and expand the on-going calendar of events.
Our next order of business involves all of you. Success depends on the energies and input of our members. Over the next couple of months we will be designing a series of committees and appointing committee chairs and members. These people will be the hub of the organization. Although which specific committees are needed is still being decided, we are looking for people who can spearhead activities in the following areas:
- Searching for spaces to hold events and selecting dance bands.
- Budgeting, auditing, writing press releases, public relations, advertising.
- Coordinating and expanding the educational and social programs.
- Hosting at events and expanding membership.
Let us know if you can help out in these areas or any others. All Board members will be present to meet and greet members at the October 4th Social Gathering and the October 5th Dance. Please share your ideas and concerns with us. The potential for SOS is as limitless as the talents, commitments, and energies so evident among our members.
I look forward to meeting and talking with you.
Sincerely, Lois Haignere
SOS Board President, Research Associate with the
Center for the Study of Women in Government
Photo Below: October 2012 -- Lois Haignere, Gregg Millett, and Randy Fasnacht with 20th SOS President, Maria Immediato