The First Year (1971): A Homestead in the Mountains Second Year (1972): The Dream is Shattered Third Year (1973): January to May --Mateo is Born Third Year (1973): May to December -- Settling In Fourth Year (1974): Making a Living Fifth Year (1975): Machua is Born Sixth Year (1976): Farmers and Teachers Again Seventh Year (1977): Sangarro, Managua and the USA Eighth Year (1978): The Rio Grand Valley, Nicaragua and Monteverde, Costa Rica Ninth Year (1979): January to July -- The Revolution Rages Ninth Year (1979): After the Revolution -- A Month at Sangarro NOTE: Much of the material in this story is drawn from the letters written to my Mother, Martha Steriker Millett. The letters were discovered after her death in 1986. Her assessment of this adventure was, "All I can say is I love you." |