Visions of China:
Past & Present
Broadcast on Channel 16 in New York and on the worldwide web at Blip.TV
Gregg Millett and Jin
Fei Bao
Click on the following links to watch the shows:
Theatre: An Ancient Chinese Art (30 minutes)
Lakeside Dreams (10 minutes)
1945 China Photographs of Dr. Clinton Millett (30 minutes)
China: 1945 Photographs Bring the Past Alive (30 minutes, in Chinese)
-- Yunnan Provincial Museum
Opening: 1945 Photographs of Dr. Clinton C. Millett (8 minutes)
-- Meeting with Kunming Mayor Zhang
Zulin, August 2008 (2 minutes)
-- Links to Early Photographs
of China
-- Two Videos (Burma
Road Crossing/1945 Kunming Photos) and Two Speeches (Centennial Exhibition)
-- The Linden Center -- Xizhou, Yunnan Province
-- Clips
From Earliest Known Film of China by Auguste Francois
-- Famous in Kunming
-- Video Series
-- Side Trip to Malaysia and Mount