Visions of China: Past & Present
Broadcast on Channel 16 in New York and on the worldwide web at Blip.TV
Producers Gregg Millett and Jin Fei Bao
Click on the following links to watch the shows:
--Shadow Theatre: An Ancient Chinese Art (30 minutes)
-- Lakeside Dreams (10 minutes)
--The 1945 China Photographs of Dr. Clinton Millett (30 minutes)
--Kunming China: 1945 Photographs Bring the Past Alive (30 minutes, in Chinese)
-- Yunnan Provincial Museum Opening: 1945 Photographs of Dr. Clinton C. Millett (8 minutes)
-- Meeting with Kunming Mayor Zhang Zulin, August 2008 (2 minutes)
-- Links to Early Photographs of China
-- Two Videos (Burma Road Crossing/1945 Kunming Photos) and Two Speeches (Centennial Exhibition)
-- The Linden Center -- Xizhou, Yunnan Province
-- Clips From Earliest Known Film of China by Auguste Francois
-- Famous in Kunming -- Video Series
-- Side Trip to Malaysia and Mount Kinabalu